Thursday, March 8, 2012

Februrary Fun

I know it is way past Valentine's Day, but hey when you are down and out with being sick you have to post when you can.  Here are pictures of our February bulletin board and decorations.  We used interactive writing for the bulletin board title.  A few of their writings were so adorable and sweet!

I love my dog.  Her name is Ellie.   Shes my best pal.

I love my mom because she reads me a book

I love my mom.  She's my best friend.

I love brownies.  My mom makes them special.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I found you through Anna at Kinder Khronicles. Great blog, I love blogs with photos. I teach first grade in CA. Come on over sometime. :o)
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After
