Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting Ready and Gearing Up For a New School Year

Hard to believe, but I need to get back to school and get busy!  Went into my room yesterday to get a paint cup.  Dear sweet hubby is making me a new 4-sided painting easel station.  It is looking so awesome.  I will post pictures as soon as it is finished!  Anyway, went into my room and --OH MY GOODNES!  My room looks so bare and unfinished - but wonderfully clean!  I love the bright shiny clean floors at the beginning of the school year.  I have so much work to do.   I get so overwhelmed during this time of the year.  Seems like just yesterday I was packing the room up for it's summer cleaning! 

I have been so busy this summer!  Let's see what I have done for my dear sweet kinders this summer:
     *Made Zero the Hero puppet.
     *Made several small drawstring bags out of adorable blue fabric with yellow stars - will use these for dice and game pieces for math and literacy tubs.
     *Read, from cover to cover, Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller.
     *Organized all of my math and literacy games.
     *Repaired torn chair pockets - going on their 4th year of use!! PHEW!!!  Might need to make new ones!
     *Created new labels for my book tubs in my classroom library.  They look awesome - will post pics of those soon - as soon as I get back in with my camera.
     *Starting to read, AGAIN, Talking, Drawing, Writing Lesson for our Youngest Writers by Martha Horn and Mary Ellen Giacobbe

     *Bought several, several books from my favorite place to shop for them -- Garage Sales!!  Beefing up the old library!
     *And oh yeah------Creating my first ever BLOG!!!

Oh my goodness, I really haven't even scratched the surface of  all I want to do!

A teacher's work is never done!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You have been busy! So much for "summer vacation!" Teachers go back in our district on Aug. 1--yikes, way too soon!

    Color Me Happy in Kindergarten
