Monday, July 11, 2011

Wall Stories - Great for Retell!

Every month my class creates two "wall stories".  We "retell" a story that I have read to them and use the interactive writing process to complete a page or two everyday (this process can take up to 1 or 2 weeks depending on the length of the story).  Once the page is written I choose an illustrator to draw an illustration to match the text.  We then use the story for reading the room during workstations.  This school year we will start the school year by retelling Brown Bear Brown Bear and we will also make a math wall story.  Due to my small classroom I am forced to put our wall stories out in the hallway.  However, it has proven to be a great place to display our stories.  I have had several teachers pop into my classroom and tell me what a fantastic job my kinders are doing with reading the storeis out in the hall.  They are surprised at how well my kinders can read the stories AND stay on task!!  It is so much fun to see how excited they get when we are writing our stories and they can hardly wait to be chosen as the illustrator.  Please stay tuned and I will post pictures each month showing our wall stories!

Just to wet your appetite:  here are a few pictures of last year's Little Red Hen Wall Story!