Friday, July 29, 2011

My Classroom Pictures - a work in progress!

Here are before pictures of our classroom~  Just to give you an idea of where your child will spend most of their day - Our "home away from home"

Lots of work to do . . .

My wonderful reading benches (the cushions are still at home). . .

These are my students browsing boxes (there is another cabinet just like it behind this one). Students will use their "browsing box" to store their leveled readers and books that we make that match our charts that we use during "read the room."   The blue tubs on top will hold finished "books"  that students make during writer's workshop.

These are my ABC cards that I made.   The images match the images in student's ABC books.

Our wonderful color caterpillar!

These are our "star words" 

I will post more pictures soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Really Cte Class and wall posters! I went today for one hour and did not get that much done:/
    I glad I found another kinder teacher :D

    Mrs. Ayala’s Kinder FUN
