Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween Fun

We had a great time last Monday celebrating Halloween.  This year I decided to try something a little bit different.   I did not have a designated party time.  Instead we played fun educational games all day long!  Here is just a quick look at what we did!

We did  a fun CVC activity with pumpkins.  We pulled small plastic pumpkins out of two bags (one for the consonants and one for the vowels) We put the pumpkins together to create a CVC word and then recorded them on our sheet. We had fun blending the sounds together to create a word.  Some real and some where make-believe!  Great practice for Dibels!

We played pumpkin bingo (of course - what is a celebration in the classroom without bingo!!)

We played this fun build a pumpkin game with pattern blocks that came from Mathwire

We played this fun candy corn game.  I found this on a blog -   We used two dice with dots and practiced counting up all of the dots and then eating that piece of candy corn that was on that number.  Was great at first, but a few got tired of eating the very very sweet candy corn.  I think I will used M&M's next year - easier on the tummy!

We had an amazing feast.  Each student brought in one piece of fruit of their choice to contribute to our "Frightenly Fun Friendship Fruit Salad"  and we had amazing pumpkin muffins and apple juice!

After our feast of yummy food we had our annual Halloween Parade around the school.  This is always a big hit.  The fire department always comes with thier fire truck (they are basically across from the school) and our high school, that is right next to us, has a few of their band members come out and lead the parade with music, but sadly they could not make it this year :(   And all of the neighborhood folks come out to wave at us.  We ended the day with a great Halloween movie!

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