Friday, November 4, 2011

A Little Of This and A Little Of That

Hard to believe that the first nine weeks of school is already completed and I have hardly posted at all (I seem to always forget my camera)!  Here is just a few snippets of what we have  been doing.

Here is our apple tree graph.  I got this idea from Mrs. Jump's class (thanks!!)

This was our pumpkin glyph - turned out really cute!
Here is our data that we collected from our glyph

Just a few pictures of some of our stations that we have been doing:

Sorting "A" and "M" pictures

Roll count and color pumpkins 

I have several of these "roll count and color" activities that I use for a math tub.  Just about every theme you can think of and I would love to have these for a freebie for all of you. but every time I load them into my google docs they come out distorted - the squares don't show up and the pictures are not there either and the font that I use changes to another font.  Any ideas on how to fix that so that I can post all of my roll count and colors for all of you???

This was my small group math activity a few weeks ago.  I would show the group a number card and they were to "show" that number on their ten frame.  They would then check their neighbor to make sure that they had the correct amount of counters shown.  Then they were to write the number in the box and color that many counters in their ten frame on the paper.  This went really well!

This was an activity that I saw on someones blog ( I am so sorry I do not remember where I got it form, if it is yours send me a note and I will give you credit!!)  I changed it a little.  I added two more legs and then changed the numbers to be 2 thru 9.  They were to pull a number tile out of a bag.  Say the name of the number.  Find it on the spider's leg and cover it with a counter and then write it on the recording sheet.  When all the legs were covered we cleared the board and started over.  This was great practice for number identification and practicing writing the numbers.

Here is another roll count and color - this time it is SPIDERS!!!

I love to do pattern block pictures every week.  If I can't find one to match my theme then I create one.  I also have my students complete a graph with these pattern block pictures.  I will take a picture of it soon and post it!

Oh never mind!!!  Here it is - I have it printed on the back side of the pattern block picture.

This is a game that I  believe came from Shari Sloane's website.  I love this game and I am in the process of making one just like it for "one less"  I will take pictures of that and post it as soon as I get it done.


  1. I am so glad you left me a link back to your blog! I love "meeting" other K teachers and seeing what they are doing in there classroom.
