Sunday, January 1, 2012

Classroom Tour

Just sharing a few ideas that I use for classroom organization and management.  These pictures were lost on my memory card in my camera, thus the reason for posting classroom tour pictures so late :-)

This is my classroom door and entry way.  We are required to post our focus for learning so that whoever enters our room will know what skills, standards, etc. we are working on. We are also required to post times for our reading, math and writer's workshop block times.  These are absolute and uninterrupted times!

We read our daily schedule everyday. Yellow for our morning (up to lunch) and blue for our afternoon.  It is amazing to see the students look at the schedule to see what is up next.  Heaven forbid if I forget to change it and I have the wrong special up for the day.  My students also read our daily schedule during read the room.

This is our writing wall

This is how I manage my helpers for the day.  I have one boy and one girl.  They are the "lucky ducks" for the day.  Line leaders, lunch count helpers, paper passers, etc.  They get to wear the lucky duck necklace for the day.  They all look forward to their day!

I have two of these cabinets, one for math tubs and one for abc tubs.  Although I like my cute little labels I made I am thinking of changing them to just have big numbers.  I have and am reading again (I don't think one every stops!) reading Debbie Diller's book Math Workstations.  I keep trying to improve my math and literacy workstation times!!!

My wonderful chart caddy!  We use these charts for reading during Literacy Workstation time

1 comment:

  1. I love those buckets for your math and literacy manipulatives. Are those from Lakeshore?
