Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I was totally surprised when I went to my blog today and found out that Lisa at Criss-Cross Applesauce  awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award.  I told my husband that I am so shocked to receive these awards when my little blog offers no freebies or downloads - I just can't figure out how to do it - I have tried through my Google docs, but it just does not work!

Thank you Lisa for finding my blog award worthy! 

Now on to the blog award rules... 

1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them.

2. Tell 7 things about yourself. (see below)

3. Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they’ve received an award!

Seven Things About Myself
  1. I love to take walks by myself with my i-pod playing my favorite music.(love Adele)
  2. My favorite vacation is anywhere I can park my camper and sit by the fire!
  3. I want to go to Europe but I am terrified of flying :-(
  4. I am petrified of heights!
  5. I have 3 amazing children and an amazing husband
  6. I have been told I am a perfectionist! - really?
  7. My favorite color is green - nature's green!

Here are my 15 newly discovered blogs

     1.     My Kindergarten Kids
     2.     Heather's Heart
     3.     Hoppy KIndergarten
     4.     Inspired by Kindergarten
     5.     A Teacher and a Blog
     6.     kindergarten days
     7.     Kindergarten is a Hoot!  (I love the title of her blog!!!)
     8.     Kindergarten Khronicles
     9.     Kindergarten Klassroom
   10.     Kindergarten Teacher Tales!
   11.     Kindergarten Works (My favorite - so organized and amazing ideas!
   12.     Life is Sweet in Kindergarten!
   13.     Miss Kuhn's Creative Kinders
   14.     Mrs. Bearden's Kindergarten Class
   15.     Mrs. McCardle's Kindergarten Class


  1. Wow!! Thank you so much!!! What a nice New Year's treat!

  2. Thank you so much for the award!! You are so sweet to think of me! :)

    Kindergarten Is A Hoot

  3. Mrs. Egley - your words are too sweet! Thanks Diane!Congrats on receiving this award for being so versatile and for passing it on!
